Governor Lalong expresses shock over attack in a village in Bassa LG

The Plateau State governor Simon Lalong,  has expressed shock over an attack in a village called Tegbe in jebbu mango of Bassa local government Area.  In a statement signed by director of press &public affairs to the governor Samuel Emanuel Nanle, the governor said the attack leaves government with serious concerns as to the fact that the criminals are perpetrating the spade of vicious attack within the Irigwe chief dom,  finding refuge amongs the inhabitants of the areas.  
Read full statement below.



The Executive Governor of Plateau State has expressed shock over the night gun attack on Tegbe Village, Jebbu Miango of Saturday the 14th October 2017, after the failed attack on Nzoruvho Village, which resulted in the killing of 6 persons and 5 others who sustained various forms of gunshot injuries.
The attack coming at the heels of the 12hrs curfew imposed over Bassa Local Government Area, leaves Government with serious concerns as to the fact that these criminal elements perpetrating the spade of vicious attack within the Irigwe Chiefdom of Bassa, are finding refuge amongst the inhabitants of those areas.
Government has warned and is hereby reiterating that, it will not relent in its current renewed efforts at identifying and prosecuting all those behind this heinous crime, which seeks to take the State back to the dark days of violent Conflicts. Government is therefore pleading with all residents of these areas of conflicts in Bassa and the surrounding border villages, to volunteer useful information that will lead to the apprehension of all the criminals behind this sudden resurgence of terror.
Government further Warns that any person or group of persons in villages and neighbourhoods identified to have been providing refuge and escape for these criminals, will not be spared the wrath of the law.
The Governor extends his heartfelt condolences to families of the bereaved and has directed the State Emergency Management Agency and Ministry of Health to immediately coordinate medical services for the injured as well as provide all necessary humanitarian relief materials to the areas of these attacks.
The Governor is also appealing for calm from all law abiding citizens in these areas of attacks all around Bassa. He gave assurance that Security has been reinforced, while intelligence and security search and Patrol have also been intensified to ensure the immediate arrest of the culprits.

Samuel Emmanuel Nanle
Director, Press & Public Affairs
15th October, 2017