Governor Lalong Recounts how an Igbo man saved him during world war .

​The Plateau State governor Barr Simon Lalong has recounted how an Igbo man saved his life during the Civil War when he was just 3. The governor spoke against allowing any raising tension in the country to degenerate into violence. Lalong recalled the way the Igbo man lost his life after saving him. 
He said, “The memory of what happened to me when I was three years old is still fresh in my mind; an Igbo man who was my guardian that married my aunty was killed; but before he was killed, he took me and locked me inside a room.
“That memory is still fresh in my mind and anybody who is beating the drums of war has not seen it.
“If true federalism will address the injustice and cry of marginalisation in the country, government should be ready to address it.
“We should all agree to live together ; nobody should give any excuse on why the country should separate.
“In the midst of the clamour for agitation and restructuring, Nigeria still stands strong in unity.
“I am sure that if a referendum is conducted on whether Nigeria should break up or remain united, those who want the country to break up will not be up to 10 per cent.”