The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)’s  has given some conditions to call off strike otherwise it will carry on with the strike action. The National President,  Biodun Ogunyemi whow gAve the con Ditton yesterday said only a speedy and positive response from the Federal Government to its letter would end the dispute.

In a letter dated August 28, the unions position on what the government is offering in respect of the issues at stake. Ogunyemi disclosed that the letter followed earlier meetings with the officials of the ministries of Education and Labour and Employment where it was agreed that ASUU should consult with members and “revert back to the federal government.”

Meanwhile,  ASUU boss had identified “registration of Nigerian Universities Pension Management Company (NUPEMCO), fractionalisation of salaries in federal universities and underfunding/non – funding of state universities” as issues requiring resolution between the ASUU and the federal government.

Others demands include arrears and implementation of Earned Academic Allowances (EAA), release of fund for revitalisation of the nation’s public universities as spelt out in the 2013 Memorandum of Understanding, guidelines for retirement benefits of professors in line with the 2009 FGN – ASUU agreement, Treasury Single Account(TSA) and withdrawal of support for universities’ staff primary schools.

The ASUU  President also commends  the public , particularly students, parents and the media for their understanding “on the need to speedily address the issues in the best interest of the university system and overall development of the nation.”

Meanwhile watch what some concern Nigerians are saying about the ASUU strike on Rasheeda online TV on youtube.