Smallholder women farmers seek for budgetary allocations in Bauchi


By Ahmed Ahmed


The Smallholder Women farmers in Bauchi State have advocated for budgetary allocations to encourage women in Agriculture and food production in the State.


Mrs Tabawa Atiku, Chairperson Budget Committee Group (BCG) made the call during an advocacy visit to the State House of assembly committees on appropriation and Agriculture on Friday in Bauchi.


She said budgetary allocation should be made specifically for smallholder women farmers to support their agricultural activities and boos food production.

According to her, BCG under Public Financing for Agriculture Budget Committee Advocacy, always emphasise the need to support women farmers for effective agricultural production.

Atiku stressed the urgent need to allocate budget lines for extension services and ensure total cash releases and expenditure, to achieve access to farm demonstrations for smallholder women farmers.

“Also the extension workers department should facilitate access to credit for smallholder women farmers to support their farming activities to boost food production and Increased income,

“Government should allocate budget and release funds for extension service delivery and make budgetary allocation for capacity building for existing extension officers on modern agricultural practices.

She further urged the State government to ensure that the right beneficiaries are targeted, and fund is utilized properly to get results,” she said

Atiku said the Parliamentary visit by Smallholder Women farmers and BCG supported by FAWOYDI and ActionAid Nigeria to the state House of Assembly, to present findings on 2024 agricultural budget analysis and push for increase in budgetary allocation as well as releases.

Responding, Mr Habibu Umar, the house committee chairman on appropriation appreciated them for good budget analysis.

He pledged to present the document to the house and ensure that issues of extension services and other farmers issues are addressed.

Also speaking, Mr Dayyabu Ladan, Chairman, house committee on Agriculture pledge to work closely with the commissioner of Agriculture to push increase in budgetary allocation as well as addressing the the issue of extension services.