“Hajj Education is the must neglected in the five pillars of Islam- Haj. Meena Muhammad

Hajiya Meena Muhammad A consultant and the CEO of Marquis Conciege has revealed why she feels the need to thoroughly educate intending pilgrims who will be going for holy pilgrimage in Makka for the 2024 hajj exercise.


Hajiya Meena said this at the conclusion of the two days induction workshop organised by the Marquis Conciege in collaboration with Finest Travels and tours.

The event with the theme: Guided Steps Towards a Fulfilling Pilgrimage took place at the Harrow Park golf club in Wuse 2 Abuja on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May 2024.



The event had some experienced scholars like Dr Muhammad Kabeer Uthman who delivered extensive theoretical lecture on Hajj rites and equally did a demonstration exercise putting the intending pilgrims through a practical session which all the required spots identified to give more enlighten ment on the performance of Hajj.


Similarly, Ustadh Abu Jabir Abdullah (Pen Abdul) also deliver a lecture with the Topic: Capturing the essence of Hajj through its history.


Marquis Conciege and Finest Travel and Tours are sister companies owned by two sisters who came together to organise the event.


Speaking exclusive to rotv24 shortly after the event on why they feel the need to organise the workshop, Hàjiya Meena said, “I believe hajj is one of the five pillars of islam and the criteria to make it having the means, but also it is one of the most neglected aspect of islamic education.


“Because since birth muslims are being taught shahada and as they grow, they watch people around, their parents offer salat and they are being taught salat in islamiya. And also, fasting which is mandatory on every Muslim who is healthy without any health challenges, so these three parts of islam are always and readily available to the public to learn.


“However, zakkat and hajj are being segregated, may be because it is for those who have the means and most importantly it is for those who have that means to do it well. Even though based on the recent happenings, we can see that hajj is gradually becoming very challenging financially.


When asked why the initiative was put in place, Hajiya Meena said it is to equip people to have the basic knowledge of pilgrimage and to do it well too that is why the theory and practical exercises were done in other to have a successful pilgrimage.


Marquis Conciege and Finest Travels and Tours have been in business for over two decades now while the induction and illustration for hajj was conceived and has been carried out for 7 years now.


The Marquis Conciege Consult CEO said their reason for using these illustrations is to have well informed pilgrims who will know exactly what they are doing.


“We take them through the theory so that they will know the history of hajj, what is at stake, the budget , how hajj was performed in the past and using the Dummies to illustrate the hajj rights will make their hajj performance easier.


On what her expectations for the 2024 Hajj is, Meena said she hope to see a more upgraded services different from what happened last year, (2023) sighting examples with the shortage of tent in Minna and other challenges encountered by pilgrims.


On her part, Hàjiya Fadila Mohammed, CEO Finest Travels and Tours said all she wants to see is a happy and fulfilling pilgrim, she also called on individuals who want to travel to hajj or Umrah to use their services for maximum comfort.



At the end of the induction, Bags were issued to the intending pilgrims with all the essentials needed for the five days stay in Minna.


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