Bauchi Assembly passes water, sewage, small town, rural supply bill into law


By Ahmed Ahmed

The Bauchi State House of Assembly has passed into law, the Bill to Establish Bauchi State Urban Water and Sewerage Corporation, Bauchi State Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Agency, Bauchi State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency and Bauchi State Water Regulatory Commission.

The House during plenary on Thursday accepted and adopted the report by the House Committee on Water Resources on the Bill as presented and laid before the House by the Chairman, Hon.Auwal Hassan.

While presenting the report, the Committee Chairman stated that, “You may recall that the Hon.House had mandated our Committee to carryout assignment on the said Bill and report back in 10 days for the House to consider and pass the Bill into law.”

“Mr.Speaker Sir, Hon. Members, the Bill was collectively harmonized to be called Water Sector Law when passed by the Hon. House which is a Policy direction for effective Water Service Delivery required by Donor Partners and Organization in other to have easy access to information on where to come in and donate based on their priority Area of Interest,” he explained.

According to him, the methodology used by the Committee, was the resolve to Visit some states that had passed the Bill into to Law in North- East and in North Central and interacted with the stakeholders in Water Sector to achieve the set objectives.

Auwal Hassan added that the Committee on the course of its assignment, traveled to States that had passed such Law in order to have firsthand knowledge and interacted with them for smooth consideration.

He also said that, “Furthermore, we found out that States like Adamawa, Jigawa, Taraba, Katsina, Niger, Imo, Delta, Osun had passed to Bill into Law and its now operational. The Committee visited Adamawa and Jigawa States where we shared understanding with the Stakeholders on their mode of operation.”

He added that,”We are glad to inform you that, during our assignment, we found out that Bauchi State is among the 9 States of the Federation selected to access the USD700 Million World Bank-Aid through Federal Ministry of Water Resources for Urban, Small Town and Rural Water Supply Project, for States that have the Legal framework (i.eThe Harmonised Water Sector Law).”

According to him, for Clarity, the Bauchi State Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation its operation cover Community with above 20,000 people e.g Major Town like Bauchi, Azare, Misau, Jamaare to mention a few.

Also, the Bauchi State Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Agency when Established, Its operation will cover Communities with above 5,000 to 20,000 people e.g Magama-Gumau, Liman-Katagum, MararrabanLiman-Katagum, Soro and others

Furthermore, the Bauchi State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency operate in pure Rural Communities with below 5,000 people i.e Town within the Local Government Area.

The Committee therefore observed and the Bill as provided in Part I Section 3subsection (6) that a person to be appointed in the Board shall have qualification either Engineering, Law, Accountancy, Business Admin. Physical or Environmental Science or other relevant discipline

Which was Amended as: A person to be appointed in the Board shall have a minimum of Senior School Certificate or any other relevant qualificationin water management with added experience.

Also, Section 109 subsection (a) provided tbat The Chairman nominated by the Commissioner of Water Resources being a person holding at least the following qualificationas inSection 3subsection
(6) above.

It was Amended as: The Chairman nominated by the Governor subject to the Confirmation of the House of Assembly being a person holding at least the following qualification as inSection 3subsection (6)above.

Section 109(c) provided that Three representatives of each Senatorial District in Bauchi State with a Degree in either Engineering, Accounting, Environment, Public or Sanitary Health with at least (10) year of cognate experience.

Waa Amended as: Three representatives of each Senatorial District in Bauchi State with a minimum of Senior School Certificate or any other relevant qualificationwith added experience in Water Management.

Section 109(e) provided that the Director General of the Commission
be appointed by the Governor Amended as: The Director General of the commission to be appointed by the Governor

Section 110(1) provided the tenure of office of the Chairman shall be 5 years with option of one Subsequent term of 2 years and no more Amended as: The tenure of office of the Chairman shall be 5 year with option of one Subsequent term of 5 years and no more.

Section 110(2) provided the tenure of the members shall be 4 year with option of one Subsequent term of 2 years and no more Amended as: The tenure of the members shall be 4 years with option of one Subsequent term of 4 years and no more

The Committee recommended that, the report be considered by the House for the Establishment of Bauchi State Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Agency, because when established, the State will have the Advantage and access to Federal Fund Allocation to State with the Harmonised Water Sector Law and contribution by Donor Organization for Seamless Provision of Clean and Accessible Water supply and its maintenance at the grassroots level.

Also that, the report be considered by the Hon. House for the Establishment of Bauchi State Water Regulatory Commission to regulate the case of Waste Water and other irregularities in the Water Sector.

He then prayed that, the House should consider all the recommendations, adopt and allow the Bill to go for 3rd Reading which the House did and eventually passed it onto law and directed the Clerk of the House to transmitt same to the Executive for assent.

Recall that the advocacy for the passage of the Harmonized Water Sector bill into law, was led by Society for Water and Sanitation (NEWSAN) and facilitated by WaterAid Nigeria and Women Development Association for Self Sustainance (WODASS) Partnership.