THE BABY MAMA 2 “A short story”


With the help of my friend KC chioma got a job in first Bank. She moved to Port Harcourt and was staying with her cousin brother. We would hang out every weekend with KC and his girlfriend.


The distance between her office and home was a bit far so I encouraged her to get a place closer to her office which she did within five months.


We hanged out every weekend and it became something I always looked forward to.


She was calm, collective and understanding. She was a good cook too. She would always prepare delicious meal and give to me.

One day I teased her to come Cook for me which she never declined. She came during the weekend and prepared meal that she stocked up in my fridge and it lasted me through out the week. It became a routine for her which she never complained.


She had a boyfriend then so I had to bury every atom of feelings I had for her. Her character drew me closer to her and I noticed myself falling in love with her but I had to hide it to avoid loosing our friendship especially the aspect of cooking for me.


One night she got stucked in my house due to the heavy down pour. I couldn’t drop her off so she decided to sleep over.


It was that night she told me how she felt about me. That night we kissed and it marked the beginning of our relationship.



I embraced the opportunity to be with her since it has always been my heart desire. Despite the fact that she had a boyfriend, I threw caution to the wind and worked harder to make her love and most especially trust me.


A year into the relationship, I proposed and she said yes. Six months later we became husband and wife. The problem we had that almost tore our family apart was that her siblings would visit without any prior notice. I was not comfortable with it.

“I’m not saying that your siblings should not visit, buy they should be informing us before coming’

“So you’re saying that if they do not inform us, they should never come”?

” Yes of course. My own siblings always inform me before coming”.