Students of Bingham university arrested for alleged ki!ling of bolt driver in Abuja


Men of the FCT police command have arrested three students of Bingham university in Abuja over the d£ath of a bolt driver identified as Obasi Okeke. Parading the suspects before newsmen today July 20, the FCT Commissioner of Police, CP Haruna Garba, said on June 5, the deceased bolt driver was discovered lying in his pool of blood with a sl!t throat at Ngugu close Area 11 Garki Abuja.


He said a painstaking investigation to ascertain the author of the dastardly act led to the arrest of the three (3) suspects namely identified as Obasieyene Inemesit Inem Aaron Anthony and Alasan Ayomide Olusegun ‘m’ but students of Bingham university, two of which are on suspension from the institution.

‘’In the course of investigation it was discovered that the deceased was a bolt driver who was called by one of the suspect to convey them to Guzape Area of Abuja where they have gone to buy Indian hemp. Back from Guzape, to their take off point, they discovered they had no money to pay for their trip, they decided to play a fast one by showing the deceased a fake debit alert on their phone, but the deceased insisted that he has not received any alert. In the ensuing argument one of the suspect brought out a knife sl!t the deceased throat and fled from the scene.”he said

Garba said the three suspects have since confessed to the crime and will be charged to court soon.

