Honoring Senator Halliru Dauda Jika: A Trailblazing Leader

In the immortal words of Michael Altshuler, “Bad news is time flies; good news is you are the pilot.”


On Saturday, June 10, 2023, the ninth National Assembly bid farewell in a triumphant valedictory session, celebrating a period marked by remarkable achievements and the passing of critical and long-awaited legislation.


Among the esteemed members of the assembly, one name stands out—Sen. Halliru Dauda Jika—a true embodiment of unwavering commitment to his people and the nation.

Sen. Jika’s journey of excellence began in June 2015, when he selflessly served the Ganjuwa and Darazo Federal Constituencies. Later, he represented the Bauchi Central Senatorial District, leaving an indelible mark on his constituents and the entire nation.

History will undoubtedly shine a light on his distinguished legacy as the only federal legislator of Bauchi origin to be listed among the Top 10 Senators on the productivity index during the mid-term review of the ninth Assembly Senate.

His sponsorship and co-sponsorship of numerous bills will continue to impact millions of lives, especially within the North East region. Notable achievements include the landmark review of the 40-year-old Police Act, the establishment of the Police Academy, and the creation of the North East Development Commission legislation. These legislative milestones have paved the way for a safer and more prosperous future.

Sen. Jika’s dedication to his constituents is equally evident in the capital projects he attracted to Bauchi State. Generously donating valuable lands to expedite their realization, he has been instrumental in the establishment of the Police Academy campus in Kafin Madaki, multiple police posts, schools, water projects, and primary healthcare centers. The people whose lives were transformed through these initiatives will forever hold his name in high regard.

Empowering women and youth has been a cornerstone of Sen. Jika’s vision. By providing tools and capital to over 20,000 individuals, he has catalyzed economic independence and improved wellbeing. His resolute belief that empowering women and youth is the key to ending poverty in our lifetime has translated into tangible actions that inspire hope and foster change.

Moreover, Sen. Jika’s mentorship and guidance have propelled countless individuals into positions of influence and service at local, national, and international levels. Those who have benefited from his recommendations for appointments owe their success to his unwavering support. As we express our heartfelt gratitude, we recognize that our personal stories would be incomplete without mentioning his significant contributions.

The APC family, deeply moved by Sen. Jika’s unwavering support from 2014 until his departure to the NNPP, extends their profound appreciation. Acknowledging his pivotal role in financing the state APC activities and providing essential resources during the party’s challenging transition, they recognize his unwavering commitment to the cause.

Sen. Jika’s commitment to the welfare of his constituents is truly exceptional. By providing allowances to party executives within his constituency and engaging over 100 dedicated aides, he has brought sustenance and stability to many households. The people whisper their prayers, hoping that his benevolent gestures will continue even during his temporary absence from elected responsibilities.

As Sen. Jika often remarks, “There is life (business) outside the legislative responsibilities of Halliru.” While we congratulate him on his well-deserved exit from the ninth Assembly, we also celebrate the opportunities that await him and the prosperity he will undoubtedly bring to his ventures beyond politics.

Abdulkadir S. Abdulkadir pens this tribute from Port of Spain, capturing the sentiments of a grateful nation forever indebted to the trailblazing leadership of Senator Halliru Dauda Jika.