Hajj 2023- Stakeholders meets Hajj Secretariat ahead of airlift of pilgrims


Accra/ Mohammed Rabiu Tanko


Stakeholders in Hajj operations in Ghana made up of Ghana airport company, Ghana police service, Ghana Ambulance service, Narcotic board, Ghana fire service, Hajj agents, port health, National security, Ghana Immigration service, Aviance, Veterinary Service and National Investigation Bureau have met management of the Ghana Hajj secretariat led by the executive secretary Alhaji Farouk Hamza and some members of the Ghana Hajj Board ahead of the start of airlift of Ghanaian pilgrims to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for this year’s Hajj.


These stakeholders play crucial roles in Hajj operations over the years in ensuring Ghanaian pilgrims are airlifted successful to Saudi Arabia.


The Hajj secretariat which is the institution of Hajj in Ghana responsible for Hajj operations, has already organized all the necessary measures and activities leading to the airlift of pilgrims and general preparations for this year’s Hajj pilgrimage.


The stakeholders meeting which took place at the Ghana Hajj Secretariat is part of series of engagements with stakeholders which started some weeks ago.


Members of the various government institutions at the meeting, shared and contributed ideas and strategies that will make this year’s Hajj operations another success.


The Ghana Hajj secretariat led by the executive secretary, Alhaji Farouk Hamza later after the meeting took the stakeholders on a tour of the facilities at Hajj village under the secretariat as part of preparations for this year’s Hajj.


The stakeholders were very excited on the level of preparations by the Ghana Hajj secretariat and promised to give out their best in the interest of Ghana.