Bauchi Speaker concern over hash experience of children


By Ahmed Kaigama


The Speaker Bauchi House of Assembly Abubakar Sulaiman has expressed concern over the harsh conditions experienced by children in the country.


Abubakar stated this in his message to commemorate 2023 Children’s Day made available to Journalists on Saturday in Bauchi.


He said that as children celebrate their day there is need to acknowledge the harsh realities that children face,

“Many children in Nigeria confront formidable challenges. Numerous schools lack proper infrastructure, including classrooms, furniture, and learning materials.

“Teachers often face inadequate training and limited resources to provide a nurturing and effective learning environment.

“Many children lack access to proper medical facilities, resulting in a higher risk of preventable diseases and inadequate healthcare support.

He added that Immunization coverage is often insufficient, leaving children vulnerable to deadly illnesses as well as malnutrition remains a persistent issue, leading to stunted growth,” he said.

The Speaker reiterated that many children are forced into exploitative work instead of being in school, robbing them of their right to a proper childhood and education.

“They are often subjected to hazardous conditions, long hours, and meager wages, depriving them of their innocence and hindering their potential,” the Speaker noted.


He said that the state assembly remains resolute in the total elimination of these challenges and in protecting the rights and well-being of every child.


“We pledge to continue prioritizing resources to improve education infrastructure, train and empower teachers, and provide essential learning materials.


“We will advocate for the establishment of more healthcare facilities, increase immunization coverage, and implement comprehensive nutrition programs to combat malnutrition,” he said

Sulaiman however said the assembly would be committed to enforcing legislation that protects children from exploitative labor practices among others.