NGO train 25 youth on counter human trafficking in Bauchi




By Ahmed Ahmed


An NGO Life Spring African Initiative in Bauchi has trained 25 youth and Community leaders on counter human trafficking in the state.


Mr Salisu Abdulrahman,Executive Director ED Life Spring African Initiative said the training was aimed at carryout community development projects and strengthen the preventive measures against human trafficking.


He stated this at one day the step down training of youth on SCALE Positive Youth development Programme in collaboration with LEAP AFRICA on Thursday in Bauchi.

Abdulrahman noted that human trafficking is the massive worldwide problem that crosses borders and with very few countries immune to human trafficking.

According to him, that is why we are engaging communities and at-risk groups and their networks, including parents and teachers, through initiatives to prevent trafficking in persons.

“Thousands of men, women and children are trapped in some form of modern-day slavery and end up in the hands of traffickers every year.


“We are here to educate and stimulate young people to observe and report incidences of human trafficking in their communities,


“Increased awareness, knowledge and advocacy skills among the participants,” he said.


The Executive Director explained that these people are often tricked and misled to believe that they are being taken to work that will make their family better off.


“The victims are then forced into slavery as sex workers, beggars and child soldiers, or as domestic workers, factory workers and laborers in manufacturing, construction, mining, commercial fishing and other industries.


“Being educated on signs that could indicate someone is a victim of human trafficking increases the likelihood of reporting and could give a voice to victims who do not feel comfortable speaking out for themselves,” he said.


Our correspondence reports that the Youth include University and Polytechnic students, women Community leaders and the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)


Also Speaking, Mrs Helni Usma participants urge parents to keep checking activities of the children to avoid falling in the wrong hands.


“Parents should come close to their children, make friends with them, check when they go out and who their friends are,” She said.


On his part, Malam Ahmadu Salihu, Community leader of Stohon company Bauchi,appreciated the NGO raising their awareness and encouraging vigilance in support for prevention of human trafficking.


“We are also encourage to take action to prevent this heinous crime in our communities,” He said