Plateau Youths holds annual stakeholders workshop on Civic responsibility for peaceful election in Nigeria



The Youths in Plateau state has held the 2023 annual stakeholders workshop on active Citizen/Group participation in Civic Responsibilities for Peaceful Elections in Nigeria.


The workshop was organized By Centre for Community Actions for Peace and Development CCAPAD, State Secretariat with funding from the Bread for the World for Local Peace and Security Network in Four Local Government Areas of Plateau State thus, Bassa, Jos East, Jos south and Barkin Ladi LGAs at Fajib, Hostel, State low-cost Rantya Jos Plateau state.

Objective The workshop is aimed at building the capacity of participants to positively contribute their quotas before, during and after the 2023 general elections in Nigeria

Participants at the workshop were intensively trained by seasoned resource persons on various concepts of Government and Democracy in Nigeria as detail broken down to the following take aways:

Definition and analysis of democracy and its characteristics, the Basic Principles of Government, the Rules of Law, Fundamental Human Rights, separation of Power, Check and Form of Government such as Communalism, Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, Mixed Economy, Oligarchy and Democracy. Balances and good governance.


Participants were sensitized on the issue of franchise, (Right to vote and to be voted for) in election, types of elections, electoral reform 2022, political parties and, their mandates and 2023 general election time table.


They also learnt the different methods observations/monitoring what to observe and how to report what was observed during the conduct of elections.


The positive roles and actions of CCAPAD towards peaceful and credible elections in Nigeria 2023 were highlighted and discussed at the workshop.


The working capacity of the participants on peacebuilding, Democracy, Human rights, Good Governance Election monitoring and observations among others is significantly improved.


Sound local CCAPAD structures for knowledge and information resource sharing between individual and group participants are consolidated and promoted.


Collectiveness of ideas and open opportunities for networking and collaboration between communities are also realigned.

Civic awareness and human rights and responsibilities on advocacy and public policies on the political and social processes are provided are affirmed Resolutions and Recommendation


The following were resolutions and recommendation by participants from CCAPAD Local Peace and Security Networks

1) The organizers of the workshop have done wonderfully well in planning and organizing the programme in terms of the Accommodation, Feeding and General welfare of participants, and most importantly the training content, timeliness and rationale hence, are commended for the Job well done and called upon to sustain it.


(2) The quantum of knowledge acquired by the participants has been greatly appreciated and pledged to be stepped down on local communities by the participants.

(3) In the overall interest of public improvement, the areas of good governance, democracy, justice and civic responsibility, it is our hope that CCAPAD extends their areas of coverage to more Local Government Areas in the State.

(4) All CCAPAD teams in the various Local Government of operation have resolved to strategize towards positively ensuring peaceful elections comes 2023 general elections in Nigeria.(5)

As pledged during our training we had conducted our step-down trainings, wherein we engaged our community leaders on peaceful election, healthy politicking and issues-based-campaigns devoid of religious and tribal sentiments.

The youths have been sensitized to avoid been used as political thugs and trouble makers during the forthcoming elections by the politicians.

The Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria (INEC), is hereby called upon to provide a level playing ground for all the actors regardless of political or religious inclination and to improve on some of the few lapses that were observed during the test-running of the BVAS to guarantee credibility of outcome.

All politicians who may not be pleased at the outcome of the elections are advised to embrace it in the spirit of sportsmanship and where otherwise, they are encouraged to go to the courts for amends.