2023 Hajj: NAHCON to meet states executives, Agencies, service providers in Saudi


The National Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), will meet with the appointed 2023 Hajj service providers, states Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Boards,  agencies and the Association of Hajj and Umrah Operators (AHUON), to finalise the last phase of negotiations before announcing the 2023 Hajj fare.


According to Independent Hajj Reporters CSO in charge of hajj and Umrah monitoring, the meeting is expected to hold Later today at NAHCON Makkah office in Ummul Ujud, area. The meeting is slated for 10:30 pm Saudi Arabian time.



A schedule seen by HAJJ REPORTERS IN MAKKAH, Saudi Arabia, indicates that NAHCON and States Muslims Pilgrims Welfare boards will conduct inspection on Makkah accommodation and Kitchens starting from 26th to 28th of March after which NAHCON will lead officials of states Muslim Pilgrims Boards to negotiate the price of pilgrim’s accommodation with Makkah accommodation providers.


Similarly, a meeting with Madina accommodation providers has also been scheduled for 30th of March while meeting with muassasah is scheduled for 1st of April.


