The effects of words to humanity



I was coming back from Bukuru express where i had gone for a re-union visit to my friend’s house alongside one other friend who we both live in Abuja on friday because it was a while we saw each other, the cold was on another level as my nose was just running after i suffered an allergy attack at my friends place.




I vowed to get myself a jacket in terminus. So i used to know one place where they sell good ones or rather the type that i wanted to buy, however, things have changed and so i didn’t get it in that particular place.



While still in the taxi i had seen a big shop just after Onibingde supermarket but thought those ones could be expensive, better the ones by the roadside.


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Error: Contact form not found.

So, disappointed, i decided to trek back to that shop to at least check anyways if it will be affordable, but along the way just by access bank terminus, i saw a young man with exactly the types i wanted.



We started bargaining and the way i priced it wasn’t fevourable to him when he started telling me how he will not make any gain if he sells it to me at that amount.



So i increased the price he still said no, but i said i know it may not be exactly how he wanted to sell it, but on my part i have already gone out of budget and that i really needed the jacket so badly but i can just leave because i wouldn’t want him not to make any gains and at the same time i cannot pack the whole money in my purse just for the jacket.



He went quite for sometimes then he said, “honestly i liked the way you spoke this shows that you value human beings and their effort, i will also not be happy if i don’t sell it to you, but kindly add something”, so i did an got the jacket.



The next day too i went to buy some for 4 of my kids two young boys lets say around14-15 year olds just in front of Mr Bigs and after a back and forth bargaining, they said the same thing the jacket seller said the day before and that is why they are selling it to me.



According to them, i spoke to them nicely and that shows how human value i have for people, and all the two transactions were done during rush hours for both the sellers and the buyers and that got me thinking as to how i really was speaking ro them to generate the same comments from 3 sifferent people.


Now, why i took time to explain all the above is to potray the power of words and kindness, some people are very harsh when relating to others in whatever capacity espexially when they feel that you are not on the same level with them.

Everyone you see has a value and needs to be respected, some people will not mind the pain of others when they speak, the fact that you are nicely dressed and those sellers or anyone else aren’t doesn’t place you any special above them.


Besides, you dont know what people are carrying beneath their chest, a little bit of kindness can uplift someones spirit.


Even if i did not buy that jacket that day, i would have still understood because nobody will want to give out what they can’t retrieve their money back.


Watch what you said to people and how you say it, because these words you see can cause you a lifetime opportunity if you don’t know how to use them.


Many have lost because of the way the speak, many have gotten humiliated because of words, many leave in regret because of just one word, many have also lost their self respect due to words.

When you say nasty things to someone he might never forgive you because either you have deminished them or killed something in them and they will never respect you again.


a hausa adage says, “Always chew your words before you say them” another one says “Magana zarar bunu” once a word is said, it cannot be taken back.

Chew your words and be nice to people.



©️Rasheeda Noro Yahaya
3rd /1/2023