153 inmates recieved state pardon by gov. Bala Mohammed of Bauchi



The govenor of Bauchi State Senator Bala Mohammad has granted pardon to at least One hundred and fifty three (153) inmates serving various terms of Imprisonment at the Correctional centers in the state.







Speaking at the occasion, the govenor stated that, this is in accordance with the power conferred on him by paragraphs (a) (c) and (d) of Subsection (1) of Section 212, of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, (as amended). He noted that, they were recommended for release by the Advisory Council on Prerogative of mercy.


Govenor Bala urged the released inmates to be of good conduct and see their release as another opportunity to live a better life devoid of crime.


In his address, the Controller of Corrections Bauchi State Command, CCS Ali Abubakar on behalf of Controller General of Corrections CGC Haliru Nababa FICMC, mni, MFR, Officers and Men of the Nigerian Correctional Service Bauchi State Command as well as the pardoned inmates appreciate the Governor for the kind gesture, adding that it will no doubt go a long way in decongesting the custodial centers in the state.


He also commended the Governor of not granting pardon alone but also giving the freed inmates a start-up capital to facilitate their resettlement to live not only crime free life but a self supportive effort that will be beneficial to them and the society.





The controller also presented a gift to the govenor from some of the crafts  produced by the inmate during their rehabilitation process while serving their jail terms and appealed for his support of providing working tools to the custodial centers’ industries for proper reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders.


He further admonished the pardoned inmates to reciprocate His Excellency’s magnanimity by avoiding crime and criminality in order to serve as an encouragement for him to extend the gesture to other deserving inmates in no distance time.