Saudi Arabia May Lift Ban on age limit for pilgrims by next year


Muslim faithfuls might hive i sigh of relief over the age restriction limit earlier put on intending pilgrims who are above the age of 65 years from  travelling for pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.


This is because the kingdom is contempleating lifting the ban starting from next year to enable every age limit to perform the religious obligation.




According to Bangladesh State Minister for Religious Affairs Md Faridul Haque Khan, the age limit for Hajj pilgrims is likely to be lifted from next year which could pave the way for people above 65 years to go for the once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage.




The State Minister came up with the development on Tuesday (October 4).




He said, “We hope this year’s Hajj will be in full scale and we will get the full ratio of pilgrims as per quota.”




Faridul Haque Khan told this to the reporters at a meeting of the newly elected committee of the Religious Reporters Forum (RRF), led by its president Ubaidullah Badol and general secretary Kamruzzaman Bablu.




“Unofficial talks have been held with the Saudi government, and the issue of 65 years’ restriction may not exist next time,” he stressed.