Lady bleeds to death in a lagos hospital after a cometic surgery went wrong


A young woman has reportedly died due to complecations from a plastic surgery clinic following a botched surgery that allegedly led to her death, her friends revealed tho on Twitter after the took to the app to mourn her and call out the hospital..



A young lady simply identified as Christabel allegedly died at the hospital in Lagos few days ago.




Her friend claimed on Twitter that before Christabel’s death, she complained to the clinic that did her surgery that she was experiencing bleeding.



The friend claimed the clinic told Christabel it was normal post-surgery and the bleeding will stop. Sadly, it proved fatal.




She said when friends didn’t hear from Christabel for days, they searched at the hospital where she went for the surgery and the hospital allegedly gave them a letter showing that her body has been deposited at the morgue.




The friend said the hospital didnt think it wise to contact any of Christabel’s relatives to let them know until they went to the hospital.



The friend has called on the authorities to investigate the hospital and ensure that Christabel gets justice.

See below.