GBV- Tallen co-opts senators wife to tackle SGV, child rights, women rights, ASUU other vices

The Honourable Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen, has again met another critical segment of stakeholders in the struggle for the emancipation of Nigerian women – wives of Senators of the Federal Republic at the Headquarters of her Ministry, on Tuesday, 12th April, 2022.


The cards she laid on the table include that the Wives of the Senators cannot afford to be indifferent in persuading their husbands to ensure Acts of Parliament that will criminalize spousal and gender-based violence.


Other issues set before the Senators’ wives include liaison with their States’ Governors and States’ Assemblies to ensure domestication of Child Rights Act as well as Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act in the remaining States which have not done so; and other measures which will advance the cause of women in Nigeria. “Being Senators’ Wives, you are very strategic to have women attain their rightful place in the scheme of things”, Dame Tallen pointedly tasked the visitors to her Ministry.


Dame Tallen also pushed the issues of the lingering strike by University Lecturers – Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU); banditry; terrorism and others to the front burner for the visiting Wives of Senators to assist their husband Senators the way they assist them at home, to address these issues.


She said “As mothers and women, you are on the frontline” to help your husbands to address these issues.” “Thank you for playing good roles in support of your husbands, being good wives.., when I came to know that you have been meeting, I was very excited, the strategic roles you play at the home front is key.., we can’t afford to be silent when we have internally Displaced Persons (IDP) cams everywhere in the country because of insecurity, communal strife, banditry, terrorism, you as mothers must make yourselves assertive even in your home.., a lot of girls are still dying due to female genital mutilation (FGM), something tht ought to have been in the past.”

The Senators’ wives that cane calling numbering up to thirty (30) and some of whom were former First Ladies in the States of the Federation spoke through their Chairperson, Barrister Hauwa Kabir Gaya, extended their hands of fellowship, cooperation and partnership with the Honourable Minister and Federal Ministry of Women Affairs in their advocacies and work to better the lots of Nigerian Women, girls and chidren.

Dame Tallen who though expressed satisfaction for the turnout of the Wives of the Senators, still urged that the body can do better when the nation has 109 Senators, and about 30 wives of Senators were present at the meeting, urged each one present to reach out to two or three others.

Whatever effort we make to better the lives of women and especially the girl-children will enhance he health and development of our nation.” “Also, let me emphasize the role of prayer. When mothers pray, a lot happens; let’s support our aspirations with prayers to God. When women pray, God listens. There is a lot you can do to make the difference; after this visit, something good must happen.”

The women affairs minister expressed appreciation to President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, the First Lady, H.E. Aisha Buhari, the Senate President, Distinguished Senator Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan, and other Senators of the Federal Republic stating that “As women, and mothers, we appreciate our Senators, we love them; we need them, they also need us.”