Kenyan Ambassador to Nigeria is dead

The Kenyan Ambassador to Nigeria Ambassador Micheal Machage is dead, he was said to have slumped and died in his home in Nigeria on Saturday 19 February.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that the diplomat collarsed at home, but was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The statement also said that he was in the company of his wife shortly after he had his lunch when the ugly incidence occurred. R

Read the complete statement below;

19TH February 2022
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs regrets to announce the sudden death of Hon Dr.
Ambassador Wilfred Machage, Kenya High Commissioner to Nigeria and
accredited to 12 other countries in Central and Western Africa which occurred
Ambassador Machage collapsed at home and was pronounced dead at hospital
shortly thereafter at around 12.30pm this afternoon in Abuja, Nigeria. His wife
was with him when this unfortunate incident happened.
Confirming the passing of Amb. Machage, the Principal Secretary Ambassador
Macharia Kamau said the Ministry, and the country had lost a dedicated and
committed leader.
Ambassador Machage was appointed High Commissioner to Abuja, Nigeria by
President Uhuru Kenyatta in January 2018.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs