Wase call on Muslims to use the period of Ramadan and pray for Nigeria and abstain from all bad deeds

The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt Hon Ahmed Idris Wase, has urged Muslim Ummah to use the Holy Month of Ramadan to pray for the peace, security and development of Nigeria.

Wase In a congratulatory message to mark the commencement of this year’s Ramadan, implored Muslims to follow and apply the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S,A,W), in their rela ti onship with both Muslims and non-Muslims neighbours.

In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Muhammad Umar Puma, the Deputy speaker called for assistance amongst the higher class and the less privilege

He stressed that “We should remember to cater for the less-privileged in our midst, stay humble and abstain from all bad deeds.

“As Ramadan begins, I wish to felicitate with all Muslim for witnessing yet another season of spiritual significance. I enjoin you to use the sacred holy month of Ramadan to pray for our dear nation against the current spate of killings, kidnappings, banditry and other security challenges bedevilling most parts of the country”

“We must report to all relevant authorities agents of destruction who disguise as ethnic or religious champions to achieve their diabolic, selfish and heinous agenda by exploiting our perceived differences.

“I also call on our religious leaders not to relent in their prayers and preaching for unity, tolerance and peaceful coexistence to build a nation that we will all be proud of.”

Ramadan Kareem!