International women’s day, Aisha Buhari task FG on the safety of women and girls

Nigeria’s First Lady Aisha Buhari has wished all women around the world a happy international women day.

In a press statement personally signed by the First Lady, she laments about how the Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged the lives of people thereby making women and girls vulnerable to so many abuses in their environment.

The First Lady went ahead to state how the pandemic has destroyed businesses, careers, livelihood as well as education of the women and children.

Aisha Buhari also highlights how women and girls in Nigeria have been affected by insurgents, abductions rape amongst Others.

She said;

“As a mother, I share in the sorrows and agony of the victims and their families. I am also not unaware of the impact that their abduction could have in reverting many successes we have hitherto achieved, especially in terms of girl child early marriage.

I called on all stakeholders holders to continue to exert their different levels of influence and bring these abductions to and end and to assure us that girls ate safe anywhere they are”.