Sex should not be used as a tool to settle quarrels in a relationship

In the little experience, I’ve gathered over the years, I’ve realized that any relationship without proper communication is surely heading to the rocks.

Don’t choose to just push things under the rug without discussing it.

An action of a spouse may mean one thing while the other partner takes it the other way, how then do you get to know the truth? Only by talking about it.

Don’t use sex as a channel to settle out disputes, that you had one after keeping malice for two or three weeks doesn’t mean that the problem at hand has been discussing.

How do you intend to stop a recurrence of the real cause of the problem was not trashed on a table.

Bottling up issues can be piled up and resentment will set it , before you know it you are both drifting apart, and nothing in that relationship will interest you anymore.

So talk about it, let who is at fault apologize and you move ahead. It’s better to have a thousand discussion and understand each other than always referring to older events.

That shows there was never forgiveness in the first place, of course, how can you forgive what was not discussed.

Learn to spare sometimes and talk, what exactly is going on? Is it your sex life that is boring? Ok, how can you spice it up? Is it a habit that you have which annoys your partner? How can you get rid of it? Can you both seek help and find a solution to it? When couples know each other very well and are close, they will learn to talk about their insecurities, personal problems as well as the deepest secrets, this can also pave the way for the unnecessary secret which might help in destroying the bond you once shared.