Sierra Leone election recorded massive turn out today as voting begins

A massive turnout of voters is being witnessed today at many polling units in Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown, as voting began in the country’s Presidential, Parliamentary, Mayoral, and councillorship elections.
 Long queues of voters aee being spotted at the various polling units visited as early as 5.a.m local time. While voting began by 7 a.m local time.
Some of the voters who spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) said they left their houses early to enable them vote as early as possible.
Sierra Leone National Electoral Commission (NEC) officers and election materials also arrived early at various polling units visited at the City centre.
At Cathedral Central District voting station, the NEC officials were ready with elections materials at 5 am.
At Open Field Grass Field Polling Station,with code number 16071 with seven polling units, First Baptist Mission Primary School, Accessories Read, East Region, the NEC officials were set by 6.30a.m.
The NEC Poll Manager at Open Field Grass, Mr Abdul Tholley, who spoke with NAN said there was no problem regarding the election materials.