How DPRK Accuses US of trying to use winter Olympics as a confrontation ground.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has accused the United States of trying to turn the upcoming PyeongChang Winter Olympics Games into a theater of confrontation with Pyongyang.
The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said in a commentary late Friday that US Vice President Mike Pence claimed that he would go to the Winter Olympics to hold back the DPRK’s “propaganda offensive.”
Pence will hold a series of press conferences before and during the Olympics and he is determined to make sure that the Olympic ground would not turn into a propaganda ground for North Korea,” KCNA cited a White House official as saying.
In a letter sent to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday, DPRK’s Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said “good results are borne in the inter-Korean dialogue,” but Washington is “seeking to intentionally aggravate the situation by introducing the strategic assets including nuclear powered aircraft carrier strike groups into the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula at a time when north and south of Korea are charting a course of peace together.”
“This is said to be aimed to check trends for improved inter-Korean ties that has gained momentum, and this is all thanks to the Democratic Peoples Republic of  Korea DPRKs bold and proactive efforts, and to drive a wedge amongs the koreans” said KCNA