Governor Lalong decried social media backlash, says he was misquoted on his Thursday interview.

The Plateau state governor Simon Bako Lalong, has denounced fake news going rund on social media platforms, according to the governor,  mischiefmakers are misquoting him on his recent interview in Abuja on Thursday after meeting with President Buhari.

In a press release signed by Samuel Emmanuel Nanle, Director of Press and Public Affairs to the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Lalong frown at how some individuals and  media houses are misquoting him on his statement on the Benue State governor Ortom.

Supposed fake news.

Plateau State Governor Simon Lalong says he had advised his Benue counterpart, Sam Ortom, against implementing the anti-grazing law.
Lalong said this in an interview with State House correspondents shortly today after meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari.

Recently, herdsmen had reportedly killed scores of people in Benue State.
According to Lalong, it is not only Fulani that engage in cattle rearing.
The governor said Plateau was enjoying peace at the moment because his government brought everyone, including farmers and herdsmen, together.

Lalong also said he was convinced about the plan by the Federal Government to establish cattle colonies in states as a way of addressing the perennial crises between farmers and herdsmen.

 Read the full statement :


The Executive Governor of Plateau State Rt Hon Simon Bako Lalong has expressed serious displeasure at the manner in which reports making the rounds on social media and some broadcast stations, concerning the interview he granted to members of the Press, after his meeting with President Mohammadu Buhari at the Aso villa Abuja of Thursday the 11th of January 2018.
The Executive Governor in his clarification on the statement credited to him, in which he was quoted as having said  he warned Governor Ortom of Benue state  not to implement the anti open grazing law,  said it is sad that his expression which bothered on the plateau situation, in which he said he was waiting for the provision of the  ranching alternative ahead of the total ban on open grazing in the State, was taken out of context and completely misquoted when his response on peer review of policies with his Counterparts from neighboring state was responded to in the affirmative.
The Governor berated those who have taken to the social media to make negative statements and draw political capital out of the unfortunate situation in Benue, while the pains in the grieving hearts of the victims where still fresh. The Governor added that those whose unrestrained and  uncensored penchant for quick shares of negative news, has become an attitude of their new age media engagements, to know that to  make a mockery of the pains of the people of Benue by spitting and dancing on the Graves of those killed in cold blood will draw the wrath of God.
The Governor in a show of solidarity and shared grief with the people of Benue and indeed all Nigerians of conscience  committed to finding a lasting solution to the Herders and farmers conflict in Nigeria, expressed his deepest sympathy in a phone conversation with Governor Ortom.
He gave assurances of the prayers of the people of Plateau state for God’s Comfort to the  bereaved families,  and for the repose of the souls of all those killed in the wake of the attack.
Governor Lalong wishes to assure the people of Plateau State and indeed all Nigerians, that  Dialogue around all the options for peaceful coexistence amongst all citizens, remain the best solution to any situation that is a threat to peace in the country. He advised  all to explore the benefits in the ranching and cattle Colonies proposed by the Federal Government as an alternative to open grazing, which will certainly be banned as part of the solution to the incessant farmers and herdsmen conflict all around the country.

Samuel Emmanuel Nanle (Director of Press and Public Affairs to the Executive Governor of Plateau State)