Toh Tiv says his people will not be happy should president Buhari fails to visit Benue State himself.

The paramount ruler of the Tiv people of Benue, Tor Tiv, Prof. James  Ayatse, said that his traditional council would not be happy if President Muhammadu Buhari fails to visit Benue State in order to ascertain things for himself.   

The monarch Ayatse who made the remark in an interview with newsmen at his temporary palace in Gbokoon Tuesday said, though he appreciated the efforts of the president who had sent a representation to the state last week, it was also imperative for himself to come down.  

According to him “This state massively voted to bring him (Buhari) to office. So at this time when we have been brutally killed, our houses burnt down and we are in sorrow, we need his comfort. Mr president hasn’t come but we are expecting him to come.   “His visit will speak volume because there is a difference between coming yourself and sending a representation. If he doesn’t come we will not be happy” he concluded.