Check out how this two set of Ghanaian identical twins takes a US University by storm

This Ghanaian identical two set of twins hAve became inspirational lately at a US  University of Cincinnati family, the two sets of identical twins credits perseverance, a strong faith in God and an embarrassment of riches in a UC education as the secret to their success.

When the Mantey brothers left their hometown in West Africa to continue their education in the U.S, they had only one familiar face on campus –– their own mirror image.

Since then, identical twins Alfred and Godfred Mantey are not only recognized for their shockingly similar looks, but especially for their parallel academic achievement at UC. Starting this fall, they will share the constant barrage of “double takes” on campus with their younger brothers Alvin and Kelvin –– also identical twins.Arriving in the U.S. only three years ago from

West Africa’s Republic of Ghana, the Mantey family has garnered a lot of attention for their unique family dynamic, but they say their life is more a story of perseverance, faith in God and staying focused on what really matters.