South Africa crash death toll raises to 12 as against 4 and 180 injured.

Aboit 12 people were killed and 180 others got injured in South Africa on Thursday when a passenger train collided with a truck and burst into flames, an official said, as rescuers searched for survivors.
According to reports by the Agency France-Presse, Images showed a fire engulfing several passenger carriages that were derailed at the scene near Kroonstad, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of Johannesburg.
The death toll has increased to 12,” provincial government health spokesman Mondli Mvambi told AFP, adding that at least 180 people had been injured, two of them critically.
“It is feared that they could find more bodies as the search, recovery and rescue work is ongoing,” Mvambi said. Medics had earlier reported the number of death as four.
Meanwhile, black smoke poured from carriages lying on their side close to a road.
Speaking on the phone from the scene of the accident, rail company official Leboho Mokhalipha told AFP that teams were digging through the wreckage in search of any passengers trapped inside.

“There are still some people inside the coaches — the ones that were on fire,” said Mokhalipha. The New Year is a busy period for transport in South Africa, with railways and roads carrying passengers returning to work after the holidays.