Rebecca Dykes a British Diplomat found strangled in Lebanon.

The Britain’s Foreign Office in London has confirmed the death of a diplomat, named as Rebecca Dykes. The family of the deceased refused to provide any further details.
In a statement released by the Foreign Office, the family requested that the media respect their privacy “at this very difficult time”.
“We are devastated by the loss of our beloved Rebecca. We are doing all we can to understand what happened,” her family said on Sunday.

However,  the embassy spokesperson also confirmed the dwath, bit did not give the name of the victim, 
Meanwhile the British ambassador to Lebanon Hugo Shorter in a statementsaid “the whole embassy is deeply shocked and saddened by the news, and our thoughts are with Becky’s family , friends and colleagues for their tragic loss”
Dykes was said to be working as a programme and policy manager with the british department for international development and as a policy manager with the libya team at the foreing office..Friends said she was planing to fly home for Christmas on Saturday before the unfortunate incidence occured. 
A Lebanese security official confirmed that the body of a woman was found by the side of a road east of Beirut early on Saturday and that she was later as Rebecca Dykes.