See how a Lady calls off traditional wedding A day to the wedding in Delta state..

A Bride in Delta state reportedly calls off her Traditional Wedding Just A Day To The Event In Delta, and Refuses To Give Reasons for her action.

The prospective bride Blessing Esakpe allegedly shocked everyone as she decided to call off her traditional wedding to her prospective hubby, Comrade Monday Ezuzu, just a day to tying the knots in Ozoro area of Delta State.

A Facebook user who shared the information @ Prince Emeleze Mark has discribed the information as shocking, said the lady was asked more than seven times if that’s her decision, and she reaffirmed it.

Prince Emeleze wrote, “Today i received worst shock of my life. A friend invited me for his traditional marriage at ozoro Delta state and when the d bride was called out n asked if she will marry d man her reply surprised us all. SHE SAID NO she won’t marry him. They asked her 7 tyms n she kept to her word NOoooooo. So what’s the advice to the man bcoz tomorrow is the wedding n evri arrangement has been made concerning the wedding.”

See pre-wedding pictures as well as invitation cards of the couples.