Exclusive – Governor Lalong heads back to PDP, let’s do the maths.

Rumours has it that the Plateau State governor,  Simon Lalong may soon dumps his present party the APC for his former party which is PDP. An analysis has indicated that some top politicians both within and outside the state,  and whom have also played such a powerful and magnificent roles in the emergence of the governor are now returning to PDP which now created a link back to governor Lalong.

Former VP Atiku has been an old time political associate of Ambassador Yahaya Kwande, and now with Atiku returning to PDP Kwande too has on sunday evening been confirm by  the Voice Of Africa ‘VOA’ to hAve returned to PDP.

But it is no longer rumour now that Atiku and Yahaya Kwande returning to PDP will mean that Kwande Junior is also on his way to PDP to follow his father right?

Ok here’s  the real gist, Kwande Snr is one of the god fathers of Lalong, along with a popular Jos based Islamic scholar, Sheikh Sani Yahaya Jingir. Similarly, Atiku has been a major financial supporter of Sheikh Sani Yahaya Jingir and his Izala organisation. It is expected that Izala and Sheikh Sani Yahaya will not betray Atiku.

So with all the big wigs in politics on the plateau returning to the peoples Democratic party, Where will this leave Lalong? It could be recalled that senator Joshua Chibi Dariye who was Lalong’s boss during his reign as governor played a very vital role to ensure Lalong got the governorship position has also since last year returned to the PDP.

Meanwhile, there’s also the possibility of none (APC SAK) this time around for the governor to ride on President Muhammadu Buhari’s back as was the case in 2015, so all fingers are now pointing to the governor to hail back to his former party PDP.