Governor Simon Lalong ordered security to fish out perpetrators of Jos killings.

The governor of plateau state retired Barr Simon Bako Lalong,  has urged the security personnel in Jos and environs, to as a matter of urgency fish out those behind the incisant killings in Plateau State.

In a statement signed by the special advicer to the governor on Media and Publicity Mr Dan Manjang, the governor is saddened by the recent attacks on Riyom village where at least 9 persons where killed by unknown gunmen.

The Governor is deeply saddened by the barbaric attack of November 7 in Rim Village of Riyom Local Government Area, where nine people were killed and several others injured by yet to be identified gunmen”.

“The Governor condemns this savage act in its entirety, especially that it passes for a deliberate attempt by the perpetrators to throw Riyom Local Government Area back into the dark days of violence. What is most worrisome is the fact that this inhuman attack is coming at a time the state has made considerable improvements in building intra and inter ethnic cohesion, for sustainable peace among the various ethnic groups in the entire Riyom Local Government and neighbouring communities. These positive efforts will not be allowed to be spirited away by evil agents of distabilisation.

“Governor Lalong commiserates with the families of those, who have lost their lives and wishes the injured a speedy recovery.

“He assures the people of Rim in particular and Plateau citizens in general that government would continue to intensify security efforts and intelligence to identify perpetrators and ensure they are brought to book.

“In this light, therefore, the Governor has directed security personnel in the state to fish out the perpetrators without further delay.

“He requested all peace loving citizens to stand united in prayers and vigilance, while ensuring that they volunteer all useful information that will lead to the apprehension and prosecution of these agents of evil and their collaborators.”