Alledged politics in Nigeria army in Yobe state calls for immediate attention, may cause serious security threats source said.

A first hand information from Boni yadi in Yobe state has indicated a serious political crisis going on now within the Nigerian troops which may pose a security challenge if not tackled quickly.

According to our source,  the troops who have undergone a special training with the two Batallion, with about one thousand soldiers in a two weeks training.  The troops were originally told they will be taken to southern Sudan on a peaceful enforcement,  this had made some of the generalsoldiers who released their boys also thinking otherwise.

However,  now that the troops have been deployed to Boni yadi everythingbecame clear they were staying at Maiduguri and not southern Sudan,  this has indeed caused alot of confusion as many are seeking for redeployment back to other commands other than Maiduguri.

The source further allay fears of security breach hence every one is calling on the who is who both in the army and among the elite in politics to come to their rescue and work out a redeployment for them while some of us have been here for five years.

“Now that we got to Maiduguri some are working their ways out of the list using the generals. As am talking to u there is confusion right now among us as to who will remain to be deployed and who will escape.”

” There is tendency the newly troops will returned leaving the old ones here
That is for those that have Godfathers. The question is that, does that encouraged the troops or making them loose confidence in their commanders?.”

“Some are calling politicians While some are calling senior military offr leaving some of us that have no god fathers, I came with confidence to fight for my nation but with what am seeing here am demoralized”

“We were initially told we are going to south sudan because they know every soldier see it that Maiduguri is not a place to go because of what they described as  In-seriouseness of our commanders and the fear of fed govt to adress the issue”