Lamar Odom in another crisis, reportedly fainted in a night club on Sunday.

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Lamar Odom has had another breakdown in a Los Angeles club on Sunday authorities said.

the footage features security guards rushing over to Odom while screaming at others in the establishment to “move!” and “get out of the way!”
You can then see Odom slumped forward on the ground.
The guards get to Lamar and help him up, but he’s very clearly dazed and shaken.
The individual who filmed this episode alleges that Odom had been drinking alcohol for several hours leading up to his collapse.
But a rep for the troubled stars says otherwise.

Lamar Odom

“Lamar is doing well,” this rep tells E! News, adding:
“He was dehydrated and had been in an intense workout earlier in the day. It was also very hot in the club.”
Odom, sadly, has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse.
It was nearly two years ago exactly when he fell unconscious at a brothel in Las Vegas and came very close to dying.
Lamar was airlifted to a hospital at that time and initial reports claimed he only had a fifty percent chance of survival.
The ex-Lakers, Clippers and Heat forward has since checked into rehab and said he’s turned his life around.

Lamar with Khloe

“I’m a walking miracle,” Odom told Us Weekly this past March of the fact he’s even still with us after the brothel collapse and other drug-related incidents. Referring specifically to the strokes he suffered in Nevada in October of 2015, he explained:
“I was home by myself. Bored. I wanted to get out and have a good time. Looking back, I might have had a drink to get the mood started, but was I drunk or on drugs?
“Not at all. I remember lying in bed. Two women were in bed and then I fell asleep. That’s all.
“When I woke up four days later, I was trying to pull the tubes out of my mouth.”
And Khloe was by his side.