National Assembly went Agog Thursday as president Buhari move to address a Joint session.

Shouts of thunderous “no, no” reportedly filled the air at the legislative chamber of the House of Representatives on Thursday suring the plenary session when the Speaker, Hon. Yakubu Dogara announced the intention of President Muhammadu Buhari to address a joint session of the National Assembly.
The speaker Hon Yakubu Dogara was reportedly reading a letter from the presidency which was a request by the president to address a joint session as well as also present the 2018 budget. This howeverwas disrupted when the parliamentarians thunderously roared “no” “no” which reportedly lasted for about 60 seconds.
Meanwhile it was not clear whether it were the members of the opposition who were not happy with the letter or both. But the speaker has reminded them that they have no legal powers to stop Mr president from addressing a joint session of the house and the Senate.
He said: ‘I wish we have the constitutional right to say no. But unfortunately, we don’t have it…This House is the custodian of the constitution. The President has the right…”