RBS EXCLUSIVE- Army Fighting Insurgence In the North-East decried poor food and none payment of allowances

Nigerian army fighting Boko Haram insurgents in the North Easternpart of Nigeria under Operation lafiya Dole have requested for proper attention before something bad happens.

In an exclusive chart with RASHEEDATBLOGSPOT  the soldier who complain bitterly on how unfairly they are being treated by the Federal Government, said their September and October Rasioning Allowances  (RA) have not been payed.

The source further disclose that their superiors kept telling them they are the ones sourcing for money to feed the soldiers saying that they are still waiting on the federal government to release the money.

Further more, the source discribed the food given to them as tasteless which he said even prisoners cannot be given that type of food not to imaging the army fighting for the well being of the country. They also demand that journalists must visit them on a one on one basis in order for the world to know the truth about their predicament.

The most worrisome sceneries are that they are in a village where there is no access to any food to be bought even with their money. Meanwhile the gallant soldiers are concern on how the operation is only being promoted in the media with little or no attention given to them. Similarly the lack of proper care has made some of them diabetic and that more are like to fall ill if something is not done fast.

Bellow is the full message

Its been two month now the soldiers in north easth haven’t  received their operational allowances for September and October  and we don’t know why.  The worst of it all is that  soldiers serving here are not properly fed our commander’s keep complaining they have not been given RCA’s (monies), we also fully know that our feeding allowances  have been cut down from 45k, well we agreed upon by the authority where the 15k will be used  for feeding and yet we can’t enjoy 5 out of the 15k meant for feeding.

Right now, soldiers are no longer afraid of boko haram bullet but that hunger, the most annoying thing is that the federal government lay emphasis on the important of these operations only in the media but doesn’t delegate people to enquire secretly what is going on. The  command is telling also telling us that they source for the monies from their personal effort there by feeding soldiers with poor food that even prisoners will not be given in this modern days. The question here is if the money they are waiting for is given to them how much are they going to give the suffering soldiers out of it? I am therefore appealing to the Federal Government to act fast before the soldiers in northeast Nigeria operation lafiya dole developed health problems many now are diabetic The media should endeavour to meet the troops one on one, like you did and enquire from them.
 This food is one tasteless beans poor quantity poor quality. It is actually meant for three soldiers fighting Boko Haram to share it has become a problem for the guy he just dropped it and hive a siege of relief. 

See picture of the food the army are being served:

This is lunch for three.

This Eba here is dinner