MURIC Advice president Buhari to weed out moles in his government including the national Assembly

A group under the name Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has advised President Muhammadu Buhari to as a matter of urgency weed out alleged moles in his government and he should also exceed it at the National Assembly. 

MURIC said this in a statement to stating that it supports the revelation of the head of Nigerian Customs, Colonel Hameed Ali (rtd), who was quoted recently as saying that President Muhammadu Buhari’s government is 50 percent controlled by the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP).

 The statement which was signed by Professor Ishaq Akintola, its president, MURIC read: “We are alarmed that the All Progressives’ Congress (APC) has allowed powerful moles to grow in the ruling party under their watchful eyes. 

 “The result is the inability of the present government to fulfill some of its campaign promises made before the 2015 general elections. “A glaring example is the power sector where a former minister confessed recently that PDP sold the DISCOs to its members. 

“This explains why the efforts of Babatunde Fashola, the current minister of power, have not yielded the desired result. “Fashola had promised to turn the power sector around in six months but sabotage cannot be ruled out with the DISCOs in the hands of the opposition. “There must be more to this than meets the eyes when the DISCOs’ story is juxtaposed with the ‘coup d’etat’ which occurred in the National Assembly (NASS) at the very beginning of the Buhari administration. 

“It was this ‘coup d’etat’ or political betrayal which facilitated the rebellious and uncooperative stance of the current NASS culminating in its ability to weaken the federal government, reta*d legislative progress and constitute itself into a major headache for the anti-corruption fight. 

“MURIC is deeply concerned that PDP moles have been allowed to hang around for too long. They are doing a lot of havoc, all in an attempt to portray Buhari as slow and incompetent. “In particular, they have been largely responsible for depriving Nigerians of the dividends of democracy as promised by the APC. “If the former ruling party regards this as politics, we see it as lack of patriotism coupled with acute poverty of chivalry, modesty and magnanimity.” The organisation urged Nigerians to open their eyes to see through the opposition’s ‘wicked tricks’. It wondered why Nigerians must be made to suffer in darkness and heat just because the PDP wants to stage a comeback in 2019.

 “We warn Nigerians not to allow people who do not believe that stealing is corruption to control their affairs again. Nigerians should not allow hardened kleptomaniacs to stage a comeback. “Among the wicked tricks being used by these enemies of the Nigerian people is using the humongous money stolen while still in power to launch massive anti-Buhari propaganda, including hiring crowds to attend public programmes, paying sympathizer activists in strategic places on social media platforms to rubbish the achievements of the Buhari regime and to deceive gullible Nigerians into believing that the federal government is doing nothing. 

“We charge President Muhammadu Buhari not to wait for the iron to get hot before striking but to make the iron hot by striking. “He must weed out the moles in his government because their lukewarm attitude, sabotage and ill-will are affecting Nigerians at the grassroots level. It is giving the wrong impression (and a negative one for that matter) about government. “For instance, government officials who have publicly renounced Mr President have no business being where they are. They should be shoved outside. 

 “Before we round up, we must commend the recent sack of key public officials like Abdul Rasheed Maina, Babachir Lawal and Ayo Oke who were indicted after investigations. “This singular action has injected a large dose of confidence in Buhari’s anti-graft war. “We therefore reiterate and reinforce our full confidence in the person of President Muhammadu Buhari. He remains a great asset for Nigeria and a treasure of immense measure come 2019,” the statement said.