Bra Irigwe demands immediate replacement of security operatives.

 In the spate of the recent killings in the Irigwe kind,  the traditional leader of Bra  Irigwe Rev Aka Ronku has called for the replacement of security operatives in the area.

The traditional leader made this call when the Executive Governor Simon Lalong paid a sypathy visit to the people of IrigweChiefdom in bassa LGA.

The community visoted looked deserted as most of the women and youths had fled for fear of the unknown. The Bra Iregwe while thanking the governor for the proactive affords in maintenance of peace in the state said the call for the replacement  of security operatives  has become expedient  as the people no longer have confidence in their protection by the security stressing that people have fled their homes as a result.

 He also solicited for assistance for families of the deceased and reconstruction of houses that were razed by the gun men.

 Governor lalong assured the people of government’s collaboration with traditional rulers to ensure lasting peace in the land, saying both state and federal government are taking proactive measures on the issue.