World Bank leader Jim Yong Kim said they focused on the northern Nigeria as requested President Buhari.

The President of the World Bank Group, Jim Yong Kim, jad on Thursday disclosed that the bank had concentrated on the northern region of Nigeria in line with President Muhammadu Buhari’s orders.

Kim and the Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, said this  at separate press conferences in Washington DC, United States,he went ahead to also advised Buhari to invest in things that would enhance economic growth.

According to him: “You know, in my very first meeting with President Buhari he said specifically that he would like us to shift our focus to the northern region of Nigeria and we’ve done that. Now, it has been very difficult. The work there has been very difficult.” 

Kim further stated that the bank will invest in human capital in other parts of Africa in order to prepare the continent for the next phase of growth. Lagarde, in her remarks, said Sub-Saharan African countries, including Nigeria
 had posted suboptimal growth.