Kim Kardashian surrogate finally revealed. .

The surrogate mother to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West unborn child has been revealed. The exclusive  first  photos were made public by, and the 27-year-old surrogate is said to be an Arican-American and she is expected to give birth to the baby in January 2018.
Kim and Kanye are reportedly dolling out $75,000 to carry the baby including medical expenses and a monthly ‘discomfort; allowance of $4,500. She will also earn $2,000 more if she gives birth by cesarean and $5,000 if she miraculously gives birth to twins. Report has it that this is not her first surrogacy as she also did sam in 2014 successfully.  A deposit of $69,000 has already been deposited to the brokered agency. 
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West