28 Year old Chinese woman delivers her baby herself.

In what could be explained as motherhood bravery,  a Chinese Obstetrician 28 year old LU of the southern Chinese city of Soshan dilevered her baby girl all by herself.

LU who has a two years clinical experience from the shinde hospital of southern medical university had her unforgettable moment when according to her decided to consult expats who told her that the risk was low and she took her chances.

I consulted some experts in obstetrics from our hospital and they gave me an assessment and thought the risk was low, so I can make my mind,” Lu explained to Guangzhou Daily during an interview.
With the help of an anesthetist and some obstetric specialist,  LU readied herself to go into labour and  six hours later used her hands to deliver her baby who weight 3.4klg a healthy weight 
The labor went smooth. There was not much pain,” Lu recollected and said with excitement that she is the first person her baby saw in the world. More photos after the cut.