Plateau State Comm. Of information described the Protest against hunger as “A Breath Of Fresh Air”

Musa Ibrahim Ashoms who is the commissioner of Information, Plateau state has described the ongoing protest against bad governance as a breath of fresh air.



Hon. Ashoms in a statement revealed that the protest in the state  is refreshing as a result of the departure from the usual chaotic and destructive narrative often witnessed in the state.



The statement reads:


The recent protests in Plateau State have been a refreshing departure from the often chaotic and destructive narratives that often accompany such demonstrations. It is commendable to witness citizens exercising their constitutional right to protest while maintaining a high level of discipline and respect for public property.

Plateau state government under the leadership of His Exxcellency Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang has rightly acknowledged the right of citizens to express their grievances peacefully and lauded the protesters for choosing a non-violent approach to convey their message. This is a significant step towards fostering a culture of dialogue and understanding between the government and its people.

The decision of the protesters to clean up the streets after their demonstrations is a testament to their civic consciousness and love for their community. Such actions not only contrast sharply with the destructive tendencies seen in some quarters but also underscore the potential for protests to be platforms for positive change.

Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang and his administration deserve commendation for creating an environment that encourages peaceful dissent. By fostering a climate of dialogue and responsiveness, the government has shown that it is possible to address citizens’ concerns without resorting to suppressive measures.

We must also extend our gratitude to the security agencies for their professionalism in handling the protests. Their role in maintaining peace and order cannot be overemphasized.

It is essential to recognize that peaceful protests are not just about venting frustrations but also about initiating constructive conversations. The protesters in Plateau State have set a remarkable example of how such conversations can be conducted. Their actions should inspire other citizens and serve as a blueprint for future demonstrations.

It is crucial that this model of peaceful protest continues. By maintaining a steadfast commitment to non-violence and community-oriented actions, the people of Plateau State can continue to be a shining example for the rest of the nation and beyond. Such actions are instrumental in building a stronger, more united, and progressive society.

As we move forward, it is imperative to sustain this momentum. By continuing to prioritize peaceful engagement and dialogue, Plateau State can solidify its position as a beacon of hope for a more just and equitable society.