Nigerian women mourns first female democratically elected senator, Franca Efegbua

The honorable Minister of women affairs Dame Pauline Tallen has expressed grief over the passing away of Senator Franca Hadiza Efegbu who has passed away.


In a press statement personally signed by the honorable minister, she said the dead of the former senator at this time is an irreplaceable loss to Nigeria at large.



Dame Tallen on behalf of all Nigerian women condoles with the family of the deceased, as she said she is still grappling with the great blow.



The statement reads:


“I woke up to the sudden news of the demise of our great woman of worth; the Lioness and trail blazer of Nigerian Women ascension to the Red Chambers,; Senator Franca Hadiza Afegbua.

“Her death at this time is an irreparable and irreplaceable loss to the Nigerian women political space.

“Still grapling with this great blow to the memoirs of Nigerian Women participation in politics, at a time, when we are canvassing for more representation of women and seeking mentors of the next generation of female politicians, I am deeply saddened.



“Senator Afegbua represented the aspirations and triumphs of Nigerian Women recognition in National Development.


“Her emergence as Senator in 1983 through a keenly contested election to represent the defunt Bendel State North Senatorial District shattered the glass ceiling and paved the way for more women to attain the highest pinnacle in their political career, while dymystifying the stereotypes around women’s equal participation in politics in Nigeria.


“In her days, Franca Afegbua was not only a Fashionista, but was a Cultural Ambassador, who exported the beauty of Nigerian culture to Europe through Hair Styles and the Atilogwu energetic Dance; spotlighting the rich cultural diversity of Nigeria to the world.


“She was courageous, out spoken and stood her grounds in the then Red Chambers to demand for equal access to amenities in the structures of the National Assembly; which did not cater to the needs of Women.


” As the world mourns this iconic Amazon, model and great Ambassador of Nigerian Women participation in governance, we will be comforted by the legacies she left behind in her foray into politics; which became a model for other women around the world.


“On behalf of Nigerian Women, I want to commisserate with the Government and good people of Edo State, the Afegbua Royal Family of Okpella Kingdom and of course, Nigerian women.


“Immediately, after the upcoming elections, a Memorial Register will be opened for well wishers to pay their tributes in the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs.


“May the soul of Senator Franca Hadiza Afegbua rest in peace. Indeed, she will be truly missed.