Demolition of NYSC mosque by plateau state government is for due process not Malitious.

The government of plateau state is set to demolished a mosque which was built on the NYSC camp where Muslim faithfuls worship, a development which has become worrisome to the Muslim community.

However, an exclusive source have just confirmed to that the demolition of the mosque is not out of hatred or any malitious intent to Muslims by the government,  but to follow due process.

RBS source who is also a staff of the NYSC has confirmed that it is true the mosque will be truly demolished, the source gave this reasons for the demolition;

She said’ “it is true that the mosque will be demolished Reasons being that the government has not fully handed over the camp to NYSC and it was the Muslim staffs who erected the structures without proper consultation.

Also that there is no church in the camp as the Christians are still using the big hall in the camp for  Sunday worship while they erected a temporary tent for midweek worship.

But that proper structures of both the mosque and church will be erected when the government finally hands over to NYSC.